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SIO Council

CCID has 19 Board Member Institutions, each holding one seat on the Board of Directors and one seat on the SIO Committee. The SIO Committee Chair is elected annually and serves a term from Sep 1st to Aug 31st.  Additionally, the SIO Council has three At-Large members.

Senior International Officers Council Terms of Reference


SIO Council

Amber on the Nile River

Ms. Amber McKenzie

SIO Council Chair

Assistant Dean of Global Education and Strategic Partnerships

Spokane Colleges

Spokane, WA, USA

VP_SanjayRamdath _DSC6359-2

Dr. Sanjay Ramdath

SIO Council Vice Chair

Vice President for Enrollment Management

Borough of Manhattan Community College

New York, NY, USA


Dr. Sarah Wright

Director of International Education

Davidson- Davie Community College

Thomasville, NC, USA

SIO_0000_Wendy Stewart CCID

Dr. Wendy Stewart

Vice President, International Programs & Extended Learning

Green River College

Auburn, WA, USA

RFJ Harper backdrop

Dr. Richard Johnson

Director, Office of International Education

Harper College 

Palatine, IL, USA


Dr. Michael Brennan

Director of International Education

Hillsborough Community College

Tampa, FL, USA

SIO_0020_Drew Ness

Mr. Andrew Ness

Dean, International

Humber Polytechnic

Toronto, ON, Canada


Mr. Hideo Watanabe

Executive Director

Jikei Group of Colleges

Chuo-ku, Osaka, Japan

SIO_0023_Dawn Wood

Dr. Dawn Wood

Dean, Global Learning

Kirkwood Community College

Cedar Rapids, IA, USA

Katie Caruso headshot

Dr. Katharine Caruso

Associate Vice Chancellor

Lone Star College System

The Woodlands, TX, USA

Stephanie Headshot

Ms. Stephanie Belmas

Director/Associate Dean, PDSO, RO

Center for International Education

Madison College

Madison, WI, USA


Dr. Normah Salleh-Barone

Vice President of Student Development

Moraine Valley Community College

Palos Hills, IL, USA

PMB 2 (2)

Ms. Patrice Boulous 

Director,  Office of International

Student Services

Northampton Community College

Bethlehem, PA, USA

schuster pic 2

Dr. Katherine Schuster

Distinguished Professor of Education

Oakton College

Des Plaines, Skokie, IL, USA

SIO_0010_Jody Littleton

Ms. Jody Littleton

Associate Professor of Speech

Parkland College

Champaign, IL, USA

David Stobbe / Stobbe Photo

Mr. Thevi Pather

Associate Vice President, International

Saskatchewan Polytechnic

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada



Ms. Samira Pardanani

Associate Vice President, International Education & Global Engagement

Shoreline Community College

Shoreline, WA, USA

SIO_0008_Margaret Heibert

Dr. Margaret Hiebert

Coordinator of International Education

State Center Community College District

Fresno, CA, USA

Stacye Headshot

Dr. Stacye Thompson


Coordinator of International Student Services

Jefferson State Community College

Birmingham, AL, USA

SIO_0006_Megan Popkey

Ms. Megan Grant


Manager of Student Involvement & International Programs

Northeast Wisconsin Technical College

Green Bay, WI, USA


Mr. Jim Bensley


Director, International Services and Service Learning

Northwestern Michigan College

Traverse City, MI, USA